Thursday, December 30, 2010

Messy Bookshelves

My simple pleasure today is seeing the books shoved back into the bookshelves. It tells me my grand-daughter has been in the office reading, and enjoying being in our home.
Joining with Dayle at Simple Pleasures.


  1. Oh, how sweet!!
    It's great that she likes books! Too many kids read from computer screens and lose interest in the printed matter.
    Very cute Mave :-)

  2. I love books and I like them even better if I know someone else has enjoyed them ,too.

  3. Oh, that's so wonderful you feel that way about your granddaughter reading. It's so much more important than having "neat" bookshelves, right? Susan

  4. Oh, that's lovely!

  5. I'm trying not to be jealous. :) What a lovely simple pleasure, and one I hope to enjoy myself one of these years.

  6. I sure wish I could get my boys to pick up a book these days. Technology has taken over our house. Best wishes to you and happy day! Tammy P.S. All my shelves and drawers look like this most of the time. :)

  7. total fun....nothing like knowing something, especially books, are being used.

  8. This is such a precious pic. A child who loves books will do well in today's world. Better than tv anyday. I know you had a marvelous time. Ginger

  9. I see several pleasures from this post, she reads, she visits (must be close by) and that she feels comfortable enough to read at your home.
    Sweet post!

  10. That is wonderful!

  11. I have enjoyed reading with my granddaughter and my nieces this past week, and will today, too. I like it that they can find books at my mom's house to read on a shelf like this. Thank you for sharing. The picture is great!

  12. So good that you can see the beauty in the things less than perfectly put away -- I think that is something I need to learn more of since I have 2 small ones at my house!

  13. Oh I see it is Mave who posted this simple pleasure! What a blessing to have a grand daughter to share your books with!
